A Fònics hem tingut la sort de poder comptar amb la participació de l’actor Marc Joy, que ens ha contestat a un parell de preguntes relacionades amb la seva participació de dins aquest projecte. Nascut a Palma, Mallorca i actualment establit a Barcelona és un dels protagonistes, juntament amb n’Assun Planes, del pòdcast Transbord, adaptació de l’Obra de Teatre del mateix títol i que també ha estat interpretat per aquest talentós actor, que aquest 28 de desembre estira en el Teatre Principal de Palma amb l’obra Zona Inundable.
Had you ever worked on a project like this before?
Not exactly like this one. Yes, I had done dubbing and audiobook voiceovers, but never a voice-over theatrical piece.
How was the recording in the studio? Do you have any anecdotes?
It was a very enriching experience. I was able to understand that the rhythms and volumes in a voice-over dramatization are different from those of a live staging. The voice-over has its own tempo, its own beat, and it was very cool to find it among all of us.
Did you know the play you performed before?
Yes, it's been years that I've been playing in Pol de Transbord. It is a show that has given us many joys and has made us grow. I am very grateful to have come across this text and this character and to have met Assun Planas on stage. Also, I am happy to have completed this journey with Fònics and to submerge us in the localized version of the play.
How has it been working under the direction of Salvador Oliva?
It's been delightful. A ten. He has been assertive at all times and has been able to convey perfectly what he wanted and needed from us. We have built together.
Do you think this project has to be extended in time? Why?
Always yes. It is a project that serves as a loudspeaker for our playwrights and playwrights and their work, incidentally, gives voice to the actresses and actors of our territory. Fònics is an excellent way to make the public enjoy the talent of the Islands.